Crude Oil

Home Fossil Fuels Sales

Crude oil

We have several types of crude oils for sale:

🔹Minimum order 1 million barrels, maximum order 10 million barrels. prefer monthly contracts to 12 or 24 months.

🔹We have different types of crude oils:

  • BOSCAN LIGTH CRUDE OIL. (see report. the key is the first page, the last page is the process)

🔹The prices vary depending on crude and destination. We Quote CIF your port.Price BRENT <% PER BBLS.

🔹Buyer must show proof of funds and capacity of storage either through land tanks or oil cargo vessels.

Industrial Coal

This may be a bit premature if you have not decided to sell, but it may help in your decision-making process to understand not only who the buyer is, but also what he or she will want to know in order to buy your business. Here are some questions that you might be asked – and, should be prepared to answer:

🔹How much money is required to buy the business?

🔹What is the annual increase in sales?

🔹How much is the inventory?

🔹What is the debt?

🔹Will the seller train and stay on for a while?

🔹What makes the business different/special/unique?

🔹What further defines the product or service? Bid work? Repeat business?

🔹What can be done to grow the business?

🔹What can the buyer do to add value?

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